viernes, 8 de febrero de 2013

what is the homework

Homework is school work whose aim is or should be strengthened or feedback on the topics covered in class.


Activities are related to the topics covered in class the teacher assigned to take after hours schooling.

points in favor

should remove the task that children just so tired of school and want to do other things in the evenings sequir envers of studying.


the task makes children and do not like to study that is much to be 8 hr apart in school and in the tade have work to do.

points agsaints

-The children have to do homewor becuse the homework is a extra work to reforce what they see in he class so they has to doit and it help to get better greats.


-If they do the homework ther are gona have better grattes and the lever of the school is going to ve better 

why homework?

- why do we have hormwork?
- the homwork are good or bad for children?
- what is homwork?
- whch are the beneficts of homework?
- points in favor and against homework?
- why children need to do homework?